Ninja 250 R, Kawasaki products are also popular; Ninja 150 RR. Body is full fairing design nan sporty, many young rider is selected. For products that fall into that category sold in the market, selling accessories that make a lot of support performance.
One of the exhaust. "From a local to import a lot of selling. Aja local premium class is divided so that price is above USD 1 million and medium-class cost Rp 1 million down, "said Ryan T, pembesut Ninja 150 RR 2008 original edition of Depok.
Well, that did not make a selection headache, better see comparisons deh special local exhaust 7 RR Ninja 150 following (Dyno test results, see table).
Testing Methods
In order for the test results in plain sight, Ninja 150 RR output in 2008 is mounted on the machine's Dynojet Star Racing team racing team in Cibinong, West Java. Each muffler is given the opportunity three times the run, to prove its miracle.
Oh yes, the motor tests used are standard but an open filter. While the test fuel, Pertamax.
Moderate if it only wanted silencers only 'just' USD 1.5 million. Another advantage, glass wool wrapped in gauze so durable.
"The character of ferocious energy on the engine speed, but needs to offset the increase in the size of two-step pilot jet, main jet is simply one step," explained the owner of outlets in Jl. Prohibition, Ciledug, Tangerang. Ahau
This already well-known brand in the racecourse. Because the brand owner is also a hobby which fights racing arena as well as research.
The neck and the abdomen is made of galvanized plates are welded manually, kerapiannya counted fairly. So no rust, outer layer of varnish. Disposable aluminum silencers in which nesting glass wool.
Pilot or main jet setting karbu for a standard engine, simply increase the size of a single step. Marketed at a price of Rp 500 thousand. Can be obtained at Ahau Motor Jl. UI Access Raya, Kelapa Dua, Depok.
New entrants in the stock exhaust. Made of stainless steel welded neatly. Blue silencers, the designs of Yamaha TZ 125's cheating who never get off at 125th GP arena.
"In his silencers containing glass wool wrapped in gauze, so that last for up to 1.5 years, and then nail rifetnya made with CNC machines," explained Billy Lawin, marketing staff Dragon Motor Speed (DMS), the dominant brand holder outlets.
Because the stomach is bigger than the standard muffler, if you want maximum performance then spuyer carburetor must be raised.
"At least move up one step from the standard, both the pilot jet and main jet," explained Syamalik, DMS matter of setting the mechanical exhaust is sold at Rp 1.5 million.
New Mugelo R9
Made from stainless steel with weld-weld neatly. Gradations of blue silencers looks very interesting. Suitable for those concerned with the appearance factor.
Setting out a standard engine for maximum power, enough to increase the size of main and pilot jet carburetor one step.
This product can be obtained at Beng Motor Jl. 3 No.32 Kebon Jeruk, Jakbar. "The price is USD 1.4 million," explained Bengbeng Chandra, owner of Motor Beng.
Valued USD 750 thousand. Physically similar to other products. Filters made from a metal plate wrapped in glass wool, wrapped in aluminum tube silencers.
To get the best performance when applying the exhaust pipe, the jet pilots up one step. While the game can use a built jet engine.
Champion of this Depok neck and belly made of galvanized plates are also welded manually. Medium silencers containing glass wool made of aluminum pipe. To make it quite out of money USD 550 thousand.
"To have a standard engine spuyer up two steps, one step up the pilot jet, main jet was 1-2 step," said the man called Edi Karyadi complete, about setting karburatornya. Can be obtained at 3DI Racing Sport, Jl. Raya Depok, Sawangan.
This local product popular among users Ninja 150 RR, the city of Bandung, West Java. In form and materials, the KP-16 is no different from the exhaust Ninja 150 RR, which generally uses a galvanized plate.
But the size of the connection pipe between the exhaust tube into the larger silencers. That's when compared to other products dikomparasi follow-up. Glancing exhaust KP-16, need not worry about the price, because the cost Rp Rp 350 thousand.
Although the average have the same form, it can exhaust every exertion different. Knalpotlah materials that make someone a premium price and medium. But his name aftermarket exhaust, to be able to force a fit for Ninja 150 RR needs to play and setting up the pilot jet one step.
Komparasi Knalpot Kawasaki Ninja RR 150
Ninja 250 R, produk Kawasaki yang juga diminati; Ninja 150 RR. Desain bodinya yang full fairing nan sporti, banyak dipilih rider muda. Sebagai produk yang masuk dalam kategori laku di pasaran, membuat banyak yang jual aksesori pendukung performanya.
Salah satu knalpot. “Dari yang impor sampai lokal banyak yang jual. Lokalnya aja dibagi jadi kelas premium yang harganya di atas Rp 1 juta dan kelas medium dibanderol Rp 1 juta ke bawah,” ujar Ryan T, pembesut Ninja 150 RR edisi 2008 asal Depok.
Nah, agar tak pusing menentukan pilihan, lebih baik simak deh komparasi 7 knalpot lokal khusus Ninja 150 RR berikut ini (hasil uji dyno, lihat tabel).
Metode Pengetesan
motor tes yang dipakai masih standar namun open filter. Sementara bahan bakar tesnya, Pertamax.
Sedang jika hanya ingin silencer-nya saja ‘hanya’ Rp 1,5 juta. Kelebihan lain, glasswool terbungkus kasa sehingga tahan lama.
“Karakter tenaganya galak pada putaran mesin atas, namun perlu diimbangi kenaikan ukuran pilot jet dua step, sedang main jet cukup satu step,” terang pemilik gerai di Jl. Larangan, Ciledug, Tangerang.
Brand ini sudah terkenal di arena balap. Karena pemilik merek juga hobi adu kencang yang sekaligus sebagai arena riset.
Bagian leher dan perut terbuat dari pelat galvanis yang dilas manual, kerapiannya terhitung lumayan. Agar tak berkarat, luarnya diberi lapisan pernis. Silencer pakai aluminium yang di dalamnya bersarang glasswool.
Settingan pilot maupun main jet karbu untuk mesin standar, cukup menaikkan ukuran satu step. Dipasarkan dengan harga Rp 500 ribu. Bisa diperoleh di Ahau Motor Jl. Raya Akses UI, Kelapa Dua, Depok.
Pendatang baru di bursa knalpot. Terbuat dari stainless steel yang dilas rapi. Silencer berwarna biru, desainnya mencontek milik Yamaha TZ 125 yang pernah turun di arena GP 125.
“Dalam silencer-nya berisi glasswool yang terbungkus kasa, sehingga tahan hingga 1,5 tahun, lalu paku rifetnya dibuat pakai mesin CNC,” terang Billy Lawin, staff marketing Dragon Motor Speed (DMS), gerai pemegang merek Dominant.
Karena perut knalpot lebih besar dari standarnya, jika ingin hasil maksimal maka spuyer karburator mesti dinaikkan.
“Setidaknya naik satu step dari standar, baik pilot jet maupun main jet,” urai Syamalik, mekanik DMS soal settingan knalpot dijual Rp 1,5 juta ini.
R9 New Mugelo
Berbahan stainless steel dengan las-lasan rapi. Silencer warna biru gradasi terlihat sangat menarik perhatian. Cocok bagi yang mementingkan faktor penampilan.
Settingan mesin standar agar tenaga keluar maksimal, cukup menaikkan ukuran main dan pilot jet karburator satu step.
Produk ini bisa diperoleh di Beng Motor Jl. Kebon Jeruk 3 No.32, Jakbar. “Harganya Rp 1,4 juta,” terang Bengbeng Chandra, pemilik Beng Motor.
Dihargai Rp 750 ribu. Fisiknya mirip produk lain. Saringan berbahan pelat besi yang dibungkus glasswool, dibungkus dalam tabung silencer aluminium.
Untuk mendapat performa terbaik saat mengaplikasi knalpot ini, pilot jetnya naik 1 step. Sementara main jetnya bisa pakai bawaan motor.
Jagoan dari Depok ini bagian leher dan perutnya terbuat dari pelat galvanis yang juga dilas manual. Sedang silencer yang berisi glasswool terbuat dari pipa aluminium. Untuk menebusnya cukup keluar uang Rp 550 ribu.
“Untuk mesin standar spuyer mesti naik 2 step, pilot jet naik 1 step, sedang main jet 1-2 step,” kata pria bernama lengkap Edi Karyadi, soal settingan karburatornya. Bisa didapat di 3DI Racing Sport, Jl. Raya Depok, Sawangan.
Produk lokal ini terkenal di kalangan pengguna Ninja 150 RR, kota Bandung, Jabar. Secara bentuk maupun bahan, KP-16 tak ada bedanya dengan knalpot Ninja 150 RR yang pada umumnya menggunakan pelat galvanis.
Tapi ukuran pipa sambungan antara tabung knalpot ke silencer lebih besar. Itu bila dibanding produk lain yang ikutan dikomparasi. Melirik knalpot KP-16, tak perlu khawatir soal harganya, karena dibanderol Rp Rp 350 ribu.
Meski rata-rata punya bentuk sama, ternyata tiap knalpot bisa mengeluarkan tenaga berbeda. Bahan knalpotlah yang membuat harganya ada yang kelas premium dan medium. Tapi namanya knalpot aftermarket, untuk dapat tenaga yang pas buat Ninja 150 RR perlu settingan main dan pilot jet naik 1 step.